Home is not necessarily a house. Many people today assume that when someone says home, they are referring to a place rather than what it might actually be for an individual.
Many people in this article had various items, people, or pets that they considered to be their 'home'. These objects that have so much meaning to these individuals without a house are what makes them feel at 'home'.
Damon Winter, the author, strayed away from the typical format that an article on such a topic would follow, but the way that he put together this piece was much more powerful and left a lasting effect that words could never evoke.
I imagine that once he began his research, he found that the most impactful format would to be the one he followed. By inserting the images and handwritten notes, he created a more intimate connection between the reader and the individuals who were not pictured but were talked about.
This article was the perfect example of the saying 'a picture is worth a thousand words' and Winter utilized this technique to de-villianize those who live outside